Archives mensuelles : mai 2018

Stata Tips #14 - Non-parametric (local-linear kernel) regression in Stata

What is non-parametric regression? Stata includes a command npregress, which fits a smooth function to predict your dependent variable (endogenous variable, or outcome) u...

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Stata Tips #13 - Import Twitter Data to Stata

Every day a large amount of data is produced. Data take on different formats and shapes; from data points to images and written words. A big source of data is social medi...

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New from the Stata Blog - Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models for policy analysis

Written by David Schenck, Senior Econometrician, this post talks about how to estimate the parameters of a DSGE model, how to create an interpret an impulse response, and...

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Stata Tips #12 - SVG graphics in Stata

Stata can now export any graphs to SVG. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a file format with a lot of advantages for Stata users. In this post, we will outline what makes...

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