Archives mensuelles : octobre 2018

Stata Tips #19 - Multilevel Tobit regression models in Stata

Multilevel Tobit regression models in Stata Tobit models are made for censored dependent variables, where the value is sometimes only known within a certain range. Chemic...

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New from the Stata Blog – Scheming your way to your favorite graph style

Written by Kristin MacDonald, Director of Statistical Services, this post discusses how to transform graphs in Stata to get the style you want. Click to view Stata's late...

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Stata Tips #18 - Fitting more complex Bayesian models with BUGS, Stan or JAGS – from inside Stata

In this post, we will look at a couple of community-contributed commands for fitting Bayesian models to your data. Stata 14 introduced Bayesian functionality for the firs...

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