Les Nouvelles de Timberlake

Aide-mémoire Stata

Aide-mémoire Les aide-mémoire Stata fournissent à tout utilisateur, qu'il soit nouveau ou ancien, un guide bien structuré et utile sur certaines des bases de Sta...

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Licence d'étudiant Stata

Êtes-vous actuellement inscrit en enseignement supérieur et recherchez-vous une licence Stata à un prix réduit ? Que vous cherchiez à acheter Stata pour tout...

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Stata Tips #21 - Stata survival analysis commands with interval-censored event times

Stata's survival analysis commands with interval-censored event times What is it for? Often, time-to-event or survival data are gathered at particular observation times. ...

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Stata Tips #20 - Power Analysis

The ultimate question in applied research is: does event A cause event B? The search for causality relationships have pushed applied scientists to rely more and more on f...

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Stata Tips #19 - Multilevel Tobit regression models in Stata

Multilevel Tobit regression models in Stata Tobit models are made for censored dependent variables, where the value is sometimes only known within a certain range. Chemic...

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New from the Stata Blog – Scheming your way to your favorite graph style

Written by Kristin MacDonald, Director of Statistical Services, this post discusses how to transform graphs in Stata to get the style you want. Click to view Stata's late...

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Stata Tips #18 - Fitting more complex Bayesian models with BUGS, Stan or JAGS – from inside Stata

In this post, we will look at a couple of community-contributed commands for fitting Bayesian models to your data. Stata 14 introduced Bayesian functionality for the firs...

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Stata Tips #17 – Threshold regression for time series in Stata

Threshold regression for time series in Stata In time series analysis, sometimes we are suspicious that relationships among variables might change at some time. The new t...

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Stata Tips #16 - Stata's test for parameter stability in time series regression

What is it for? When you are fitting a simple time-series regression to your data, you have to make an assumption that indpendent (exogenous) variables in the regression ...

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Stata Tips #15 - Publication ready graphics

More data is available than any point in history and often a simple graph can go a long way in presenting complex relationships between data elements. Stata offers an imp...

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